Friday, October 9, 2020

Single Mom Life - My Experience So Far - @BerryDakara - Episode 54



According to Gallup World Poll data, Sub Saharan Africa has the highest percentage of single mothers worldwide - 32%. In typical African society, single motherhood is frowned upon (unless in the case of widowhood). Single mothers are meant to feel ashamed about raising children apart from their fathers. 

In this solo episode, I share about what being a single mother has been like for me in the past 3+ years. I touch on emotional wellbeing, finances, family/friend support and answer a couple of questions from Instagram followers.


25. Life as a Single Mother

31. Dealing with Divorce as an African Mom

49. Managing Motherhood and a C-level Career

Donate to the Heaven Baby Hope Project GoFundMe to gift families that have been impacted by Infant Loss.

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